Assemble a LoRa Gateway in Tuzla
In order to expand our capabilities, we decided to install a LoRa gateway on top of our office building
Hi Everyone!
In order to expand our capabilities and enable ourselves access to the LoRa network, we have decided to assemble a Lora Gateway. This will help us test our new IoT products that are based on Lora and provide the city of Tuzla with an infrastructure for Smart City development.
LoRa stands for “Long Range Wide Area” and as such is a low-power wireless network protocol. Its a freely available radio frequency that is set on 868Mhz for Europe and 915 for US.
LoRa Technology is flexible for outdoor or indoor use cases in smart cities, smart homes and buildings, smart agriculture, smart metering, and smart supply chain and logistics.

For our gateway, we have taken a RakWirelles 831 module and RassberryPi 2 combo.
This is a very commonly used setup in Europe and has proven itself in many cities as an efficient and robust solution.
create( account );
config( device );
flash( SDcard );
boot( RaspBerry Pi2 );
register_gateway( TheThingsNetwork );
goto roof;
}while(Connected != 1);
A few hours later.

The maximum range distance that we managed to get a data transfer was 6.3 kilometres and for a gateway that is mounted on a roof (10m height) the results are quite decent.
Here are some locations that have a stable connection.

We will continue testing and try to move the gateway to the city centre and higher ground.
Semblie out

Benjamin Hodžić
An electrical engineering student from Bosnia. He’s doing the apprenticeship at Semblie d.o.o. Tuzla.