Modern C++ in embedded development: strong types and user-defined literals

Modern C++ in embedded development: using C libraries

MODERN C++ IN EMBEDDED DEVELOPMENT: using c libraries Language linkage C++ programs can use C code. The linkage between C++ and software modules written in other programming languages is called language linkage.  extern string-literal {declaration} Standard guarantees...
Modern C++ in embedded development: strong types and user-defined literals

Modern C++ in embedded development: constexpr

MODERN C++ IN EMBEDDED DEVELOPMENT: constexpr What is constexpr?  Cppreference defines constexpr specifier as follows: “The constexpr specifier declares that it is possible to evaluate the value of the function or variable at compile time. Such variables and functions...
Modern C++ in embedded development: strong types and user-defined literals

Modern C++ in embedded development

MODERN C++ IN EMBEDDED DEVELOPMENT C – the only right tool for the job It is a common opinion amongst embedded developers that the only right tool for the job is C. Being an embedded developer you spend a lot of time reading device datasheets. Datasheets...